Helpful Ballet Terms

Is your child trying to show you what they learned in class, but can’t quite remember the names of anything? Don’t you worry! This post will explain some of the steps your child might be trying to show you.


First Position – The back of the dancer’s heels together and toes are turned out. This position resembles a “V.”


Second Position – The dancer’s toes are turned out, but instead of heels touching, legs are shoulder-width apart.


Third Position – This position is best achieved by starting in first position. One heel slides to touch the center of the other foot, with toes turned outward.


Fourth Position – This position is best achieved by starting in third position. Whichever foot is touching the center of the other slides forward so it’s heel is diagonal of the toes of the back foot.


Fifth Position – This position is best achieved by starting in fourth position. Slide whichever foot is in the front in towards the other foot so the heel of the front foot is touching the toes of the back foot.


Barre – A long, wooden bar attached to the wall of a dance studio. Dancers hold onto it while performing a warm up.


Plie – Bend both knees. A Demi plie is a small bend of the knees where both heels remain on the floor. A Grand plie is a bigger bend of the knees where both heels come off of the ground.


Saute – Jump! (Don’t forget to make sure the dancer’s toes are pointed.)


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