I have a confession…

Photo by Amy Ellis Phottography

Photo by Amy Ellis Phottography

I’d like to get personal for a minute if you will indulge me.

I was that child who didn’t want to leave her mom.  I was that kid that was pretty shy and terrified of new people and situations.  And truly a part of me still is.


What does that matter you ask? Because I feel it in my heart every time we get a new student who you can see in their eyes wants to be there, yet is super uncomfortable walking into a new place without a safety net.


That’s why we encourage them, we give them the space they need to check everything out and come to us on their own terms.  They have to find that comfort level that allows them to release and breathe, let go and enjoy.  And it can take some time.  Sometimes a matter of days, weeks or months – but it is never a worry.  They will come to us on their own terms and all we can do is support them and encourage them to try.


And when they do – that smile is worth a million dollars!  And we cheer so hard for that little dancer ready to make the leap, let go and enjoy the class.  I think back to all the dancers we have met over the years and we many that overcame that fear hold a special place in my heart.

As parents sometimes we want to rush the process,  I truly get it, I find myself trying to do the same with my own kids.  Sometimes though the best course of action is to take a deep breath, smile at our child and hold their hand a little longer,

Look what good it did for me.

Miss Katie