Must Know Stage Terms!

IfBa you’re going to be a dancer, there are some stage terms you need to know in addition to the names of the steps. Don’t worry though! I’ve made you a little cheat-sheet to help you remember.

House: the audience

House lights: the lights in the auditorium/performance space dancers are performing in

Onstage/Stage: the area where dancers perform

Stage lights: the bright lights that shine on the area where dancers perform

Backstagethe area where dancers can get ready to perform, it is usually somewhere behind the stage

Curtains: the fabric in front of the stage that hides dancers from the audience until it is time for them to dance

Wings: the area in between the backstage and performances spaces where dancers wait right before going onstage

Bows: the last time dancers are seen onstage and are applauded, usually with all of the performance’s dancers

“Break a legg”: good luck for a dancer, it means to get so many encores that the curtain legg breaks from being opened and closed so many times

And finally . . . here is an image breaking down Stage directions. Where this dancer is standing in this image is known as Center stage.Screen-Shot-2013-10-21-at-10.30.29-PM